BBS HQ 3rd January 2022
Ms. Doris Martin, Ambassador, Women in Tech Bahrain Chapter and Society vice Head of Training & Technology met with Dr. Shaikha Eshaa bint Mohammed Alkhalifa and Dr. Isa Qamber, and Dr. Ali Zolait, Institute of Electrical, Electronic, and Engineering (IEEE) Founders Bahrain Chapter in the Society. IEEE would like to collaborate with BBS-WIT. The purpose of the meeting is to work on promoting gender equality in technology. Both parties agreed on an MOU mutual agreement.
#bbs_events #bahrainbusinesswomensociety #Bahrain #womenintech #WIN
#جمعية_سيدات_الأعمال_البحرينية #البحرين #المرأة_في_التكنولوجيا
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